Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Stud Finder

Fenchurch had the delightful experience of lumber shopping with Zaphod this evening.  She had, before tonight, no idea that a 2"x4"x8' sold at a very big store could be "no good".  But Zaphod won't settle for anything but the best (of what's available).  He must have the straightest boards with the fewest, smallest, most central knots (as compared to the other options).  He will not settle for the boards stacked to the front which have already been picked over, but dives to the back to eye the length of a potential stud.

Apparently pretty patterns don't matter in studs.  Which is why Zaphod was in charge of choosing lumber.  And Fenchurch kept her artistic commentary for another occasion.

Want to learn Zaphod's secrets for finding the right studs?
Come visit us at Highlands Bangor!!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Zaphod Opens a Box

Video evidence that Zaphod can hold a hammer and Fenchurch can hold a phone.